Include the following snippet in your configuration.nix: = {
dailyalarm = {
description = "Daily Alarm";
path = [ pkgs.mpv pkgs.bash ]; #The service runs in it's own isolated environment,
#so we need to explicitly provide it with whatever
#the script will need, including a shell with which
#to run the script
wantedBy = [ "" ]; #This ensures that the service is enabled
#at the end of boot up
serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; ExecStart = /home/tim/; };
#oneshot, roughly, means that systemd will do it's best to run the service,
#but if the time is missed, say because the computer was shutdown, it
#won't try at next boot until the time rolls around again.
startAt = "*-*-* 6:30"; #Alarm runs every day at 6:30AM
Then put whatever you’d like your alarm to do in the referenced shell script. Here’s mine:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
mpv ~/summer.mp3